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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Clock Tower in Bukittinggi

Clock Tower in Bukittinggi
Jam Gadang is a clock tower that marks the land and the city of Bukittinggi in West Sumatra province of Indonesia. Symbols typical of West Sumatra, it has a unique story and because he has dozens of years.

Jam Gadang built in 1926 by architect and Yazin Sutan Bagigi Ameh. Laying the first stone was first conducted son Rook Maker that time is still 6 years old. Clock is a gift from the Queen to the Netherlands Controleur (City Secretary). In the Dutch colonial period, this time round and stand on top of rooster sculptures, while the Japanese occupation, shaped pagoda. At the time of independence, change the shape of a more traditional Minangkabau house ornament.

The size of the diameter of this clock is 80 cm, with a basic blueprint 13x4 meters high while the 26 meters. Jam Gadang development that seems to spend a total development cost of 3,000 Gulden, the end points of land or become a symbol of the city of Bukittinggi. There is the uniqueness of the numbers on the clock Roman Gadang this. When writing letters in the Roman usually number six is VI, VII is number seven and number eight is VIII, Jam Gadang write this number four with the symbol IIII (generally IV).

Jam Gadang is located between the State Palace, Istana Bung Hatta and (Pusat Pertokoan Pasar Atas )Market Center. Until the current ceiling has been changed several times since the Age of Dutch colonial and colonial Japan.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Sperm Fasting Improve Quality

For those who are fasting, do not worry if your sperm quality will decline. Thus, the quality of sperm in general will be better.

Fasting is not known negative impact on sperm quality. Benefits of fasting on health body healthy for a man who had better not even reduce the occurrence of conception relationship of husband and wife.

Health benefits while fasting seemed to improve the function of reproduction organs, the rate of acid balance and the body basa, and to improve the function of organs. In addition, the opportunities for digestion equipment will be exempt for the rest of the body of poisons, sewage and waste that can damage health.

With fasting, the body is able to block food for bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells so that the germs can not survive.

What is important is done the husband and wife is maintaining fitness when the fast food that is not balanced with nutrition and improve drinking water.

Arrange the break. Try to sleep a few minutes in the afternoon, when the body to feel the weight of drowsiness. It can help restore the soundness of body and reinforce our thinking process.

Thus, avoid sitting or sleeping in silence a long time and sit-malasan because it would make the body more supple and weak.

Did you know? The number of violence incidents in the prostate gland from year to year, is now increasing. No wonder when prostate cancer to become one of the diseases that can often by men.

Generally, prostate cancer attacks men over the age of 50 years. The causes of prostate cancer would actually still not known, but there are some risk factors for the occurrence of violence in the gland protat. For example the pattern of eating high-fat, benign prostate enlargement, infection with the virus that is transmitted through intimate relationships, and history of prostate cancer in the family.

In the early stages, prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms. However, there are some symptoms or complaints that need attention, namely:
Frequent urination, especially at night
Urine must mengejan
Difficult to hold urine
Can not be urine at all
Urination pain or fever
There is blood in the urine and semen
Pain when the seriously crazy
Incurred pain or rigid in the posterior region, pelvis, hip and
To know there since early prostate cancer, men over the age of 40 years are encouraged to review regularly, at least once a year. Checking the form of physical examination, inspection USG prostate gland, and the inspection rate of Prostate Specific antigen (PSA) in blood.

Soybean disturb fertility Men

Be careful if you (men) often consume food based raw soybeans. She chemicals found in soya, tofu, legumes and have the potential to destroy the sperm that male fertility.

The researchers from King College, English explained that soybeans contain genistein, which resembles the effect on the female hormone estrogen. Results obtained from the research on mouse sperm, which also explains that this result is the same for human sperm.

In tests in the laboratory, found that genistein in the number of small can turn human sperm. Human sperm appeared more responsive to genistein than mouse sperm. Besides, if women consume soy or foods that contain high genistein, they likely have a greater impact than men because of the chemical substances affect sperm existing in the body when women are sperm cells fertilize eggs.

From the results of that research, it is recommended for fans to limit soybean konsumsinya several days during the period ovulasi. However, although this tradition for most Asian people consume soy foods, they never showed any interference in fertility.

Early detection of prostate cancer

Did you know? The number of violence incidents in the prostate gland from year to year, is now increasing. No wonder when prostate cancer to become one of the diseases that can often by men.

Generally, prostate cancer attacks men over the age of 50 years. The causes of prostate cancer would actually still not known, but there are some risk factors for the occurrence of violence in the gland protat. For example the pattern of eating high-fat, benign prostate enlargement, infection with the virus that is transmitted through intimate relationships, and history of prostate cancer in the family.

In the early stages, prostate cancer usually does not cause symptoms. However, there are some symptoms or complaints that need attention, namely:
Frequent urination, especially at night
Urine must mengejan
Difficult to hold urine
Can not be urine at all
Urination pain or fever
There is blood in the urine and semen
Pain when the seriously crazy
Incurred pain or rigid in the posterior region, pelvis, hip and
To know there since early prostate cancer, men over the age of 40 years are encouraged to review regularly, at least once a year. Checking the form of physical examination, inspection USG prostate gland, and the inspection rate of Prostate Specific antigen (PSA) in blood.

Aids can be seen from the mouth

Aids is a disease that is very vague and infectious killer bloodshed. some of us sometimes do not know the exact secaara AIDS. Here I explain the characteristics of people infected with AIDS in the mouth cavity.

AIDS is a collection of symptoms of the disease marked by destruction
immune system so vulnerable various infections. AIDS
caused by the virus Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
Until this can not yet known from where the start
the spreading of AIDS disease. AIDS disease is not transmitted through normal contact,
but it is transmitted through sexual intercourse, contact with contaminated blood
HIV through needle and syringe or other medical equipment contaminated with HIV.
Conversely AIDS can not be transmitted through insect bites, beverages, or
contact normal in families, schools, swimming renanng, public toilets or place of work
people with AIDS.

Clinical symptoms of AIDS
AIDS has a broad spectrum of the clinical picture. In the early
there is the beginning of symptoms such as flu-affected. People who feel tired
contracts and without cause, gland, lymph gland dileher, armpit,
haunch inflated for months, decreased appetite / missing,
fever, which continuously reached 39 degrees Celsius or sweat on
night, Diarrhea, body weight decreased as Tampa, injured in a black leather
or mucous membrane that is not biased ssembuh, cough-cough, and the ongoing
in the esophagus, easily bruised or bleeding without cause. Symptoms
the beginning is often called AIDS Related Complex (ARC). When the circumstances of this disease
increased, other developing malignant diseases such as pneumonia (penumocytis
carinii), kandiasis oesophagus, cytomegalovirus or herpes, sarcoma kaposi, tumors
malignant blood vessel.

AIDS manifestation dirongga mouth
Around 95% of people with AIDS in the region experienced a manifestation of the head and
neck as well as by Shiod and Pinborg 1987. Manifestation in the mouth
often is a sign of early HIV infesi

Because the fungus infection (Oral Candidiasis)
It Kandiasi nulut far is a sign at the mouth of the most frequently
found both on AIDS and AIDS related Sell (ARC) and
is a sign of clinical manifestation in the patient group risk tinggipada
more than 59% of cases.
Kandiasis mouth of the AIDS sufferer can be seen as oral Thrush, acute
atrophic candidiasis, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, and stomatis angularis

Because of a virus infection
Infection because the herpes virus group most often found in people with AIDS
and ARC. Virus infection in the patient can be seen as stomatis herpetiformis,
herpes zoster, hairy leukoplakia, cytomegalovirus.

Infection because of bacteria
Infection because the bacteria can form HIV necrotizing gingivitis and HIV
a. HIV necrotizing gingivitis
HIV necrotizing gingivitis can be found at the AIDS sufferer and
ARC. Lesi this can be hidden or accompanied by sudden bleeding time
polish teeth, pain and halitosis.
Necrotizing gingivitis most often on the anterior gingiva. In
This situation, Pabila interdental edge gingiva and will appear in red,
swelling, yellow or grayish because nekrosis, often occur bakan
necrotizing ulcrerative a severe gingivitis and periodontal disease, which
even progressive oral hygiene are good and even though the
given antibiotics.

b. HIV periodontitis
Periodontal disease, which may take place in a progressive
an early indicator that can be found in the HIV infection. Dentists
should diagnose early in the process of alveolar bone damage
is still considering the possibility of HIV infections adnya.
This is caused mainly by the fact that a number of people
AIDS, which damaged the alveolar bone quickly.

Sarkoma kaposi associated with AIDS as a disease appears
the more vicious and usually has spread at the time of the initial diagnosis.
Approximately 40% of people with AIDS sarcoma kaposi akn died in the time
more than a year and usually accompanied by other infections opotunistik
(such as pneumocystic carinii, fungi, viruses, bacteria).
Kaposi manifestation mouth sarcoma is usually a sign of early AIDS and
generally (50%) were found in the mouth of gay men. In addition to the mouth, sarcoma
This can also be found dikulit head and neck. Sarkoma kaposi in the mouth
usually seen initially as the macula, nodul plaque and a flat or
prominent, usually berbewntuk circle and a red or keunguan.
Located on the palatum and the size of only a few millimeter to
centimeters. The form is not regular, can be single or multiple and usually
asintomatik, so that the patients were new when lesi have become quite large.

Another difference in the mouth
Aberration, deviation is not known why, can arise form:
a. Stomatis aphtosa rekuren, especially the major types.
b. Ulkus nekrotik to the widespread fausia.
c. Xerostomia
d. Parotis gland enlargement, especially people with AIDS children.
e. Idiophatic thrombocytopenia purpura.
f. Palsy face
G. Addisonian mucosal hyperpigmentation
h. Limfadenopati submandibula.
i. Hiperpigmentasi melanotik
j. Healing old wounds
k. Babies born with AIDS infection may face deformation.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

We gums

Dental and oral health is closely related to the gums, some of temen2 may not be so concerned about the gum, but that is making people sick wahhh well, it all feels good. So easy - that the articles that I can help make this your all.

Gums or in a language known to the medical gingiva is the network software that cover the neck teeth and jaw bones, both located in the maxilla and mandible, gum itself is also one of the network buffer teeth. Gums are inherent in the right jaw bone, a loose jaw daritulang only menempe only in the neck teeth. This section is called edge-free gum (free marginal gingiva). edge-free gum yahng is between two teeth with a near-called interdental papilla.
Aberration in the gums usually inflammation or infection by the bacteria, called gingivitis or better known as the take. Healthy gums can be said to appear when the signs - signs such as the following:
1. The color pink.
2. Gum adheres closely to the jawbone.
3. Has a form such as teeth and knives around like the crescent moon.
4. No pain.
5. No pendahatan.
6. No swelling and swelling usually occurs when the color is red and bleeding easily occur.
If your gums are not as visible characteristics - characteristics above all check and know what caused it.
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